Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


The secret to managing your customer relationships is in your head! It's our job to understand what you need to do to manage customers and customer marketing pipeline well, so we can then help you select and implement the best CRM system availiable for your business.

"We sit with you to learn the way you want to relate to customers. We look at how you market to new customers and what's important in working with customers; then we add our insights and help you select your CRM and tailor it for success."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

Where we come in

Most small businesses can’t afford a dedicated business analyst or app developer, let alone one who’s got the business analysis skills to implement a CRM! That’s where we come in! We’re on your side. Steve is the guy you can trust for advice and help.


We help you determine your requirements

I work with you, helping you get from where you are to where you want to be. I’ve worked as the Solution Architect for a really huge CRM project for a leading financial institution; in-house for the CRM of a consulting company, and on a number CRM projects for clients. My view comes from a wide number of industries, which helps me ask the right questions and give good advice for your CRM solution.

The first step in getting a successful CRM is figuring out what your needs are. I’ve done this enough times for clients that I can help you with what you do know (but may have trouble relating or finding context for) and what you don’t know (things are easily missed if you haven’t done this before!).

We help you choose, implement, train and use your CRM

We’ve trodden he path of CRM implementations before. Steve has personally led teams of people designing how a CRM should integrate with other systems; led training workshops for a CRM implementation he designed, and has used CRMs extensively himself. 

CRM can be the life-blood of your business. It just takes the right partner to help you go through the process to get a good outcome. Take advantage of our offer below to help you plan your way more clearly.

SPECIAL OFFER: Get your free copy of our Special Report on CRM in the cloud!

A special report from Steve Barnes of Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow to help you in choosing and implementing your new CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.

In this special report, I reveal:

  • which new cloud-based CRM I’ve been looking at lately 
  • What’s Important in a CRM?

  • Dynamics of Internet Based SAAS (Software as a Service) Products

  • The challenges and benefits of CRM as SAAS

Get this FREE REPORT now to learn what you should do to choose and implement a CRM solution that works for you!

Use coupon code 'freewhite' to get this $20 special report for FREE! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Act now ==>