Business Improvement

Business Improvement

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Business Strategy

Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow'- Business Strategy: Porter's Five Forces
Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow - a genericised' Review and Approve Application' process using BPMN sourced from our own work

Porter’s Five Forces is one of the tools we use for business strategy. We help you to understand your unique value, your place in the market, how to make your products and services stand out and where you should focus your energy to spend your time and grow strategically!

Brand Strategy

Branding is no longer having the same logo on all your ads, or a letterhead for your business. Those times are long past. Branding is now pervasive, and you can let others decide how you look, or set the tone yourself.

"Every single time someone sees your business in any media, picks up printed matter, or even hears you or you being talked about forms an impression.
This is your opportunity for branding."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead
Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow: brand strategy
My Brand Strategy service is ever more important for getting visibility in a crowded market

image thank to Handshake:

A well thought out and defined brand identity should be the backbone of any successful company, particularly for online enterprises that typically lack the physical brand components of brick-and-mortar stores. It's that hard-to-pin-down feeling that separates powerhouse and mediocre brands from each other, and big part of that hard-to-pin-down feeling comes from brand consistency.
Steve Barnes - Business Process Improvement Expert
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

What I can help you with

  1. logo
  2. visual identity / colours
  3. tone of voice
  4. image selection guidelines
  5. domain name(s)
  6. branded urls & links

Business Process Improvement

Workflow Modelling

Workflow stages are part of workflow modelling conducted by Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow

Workflows are about how things get handed around between people. I understand and model these well.

Business Process Modelling

BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) is something Steve Barnes is very familiar with, and we use is widely at Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow

Business Process Modelling is largely based on the BPMN standard now, as seen at right, and most modelling tools use this notation. I have many years of experience with business process analysis and modelling, and have both taught internationally for Promendo (Brisbane), and consulted internationally before moving to Ballarat, Victoria. My many years of business improvement experience are available to Ballarat businesses to help them ‘do business better’. 

Customer Relationship Management Strategy

Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow - CRM - Customer Relationship Management
I'm your help with getting on top of Customer Relationship Management in your business

CRMs can be confusing. Decisions on which CRM to buy or subscribe to are often based on what’s in your face and perceived benefit. Most businesses that implement their first CRM learn a lot from using it, and move onto another CRM within 3 to 4 years, armed with their newly acquired knowledge.

"The point of biggest stress and danger to your business is actually your first CRM implementation.
Wherever you're at, my role is to guide you in understanding your requirements, evaluating alternatives and making a sound decision."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

I’ve been the Solution Architect on a huge CRM implementation for Suncorp in 2001, have set up CRMs for multiple clients and have personally used several CRM packages. I’ve also rescued a few businesses that have gotten into trouble trying to implement their CRM package, and yes, it cost them more in the long run than it would have to seek help in the first place!

When you weigh up the time and money going into a CRM implementation, and the consequences of getting it wrong, getting someone knowlewdgeable to help is a really good idea!

"It's only real CRM experience that reduces risk and puts you in a position of better confidence to take the step into your new CRM."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

Make a real impact

It has never been easier to look professional with my help.

Steve Barnes – ABN 80 962 297 411

All content copyright Steve Barnes unless otherwise stated.

All rights reserved