no media person on staff?

isn't it time you put my skills to work for you?

"Most small businesses can’t afford a dedicated marketing person, media guy, creative designer or media liaison. That’s where I come in. I work with you, helping you get from where you are to where you want to be. I'm your trusted partner. I stand with you, supporting you and your business.
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

I’ve worked in all sorts of industries in a variety of roles, from very strategic to media oriented to very technical to doing what it takes to make things happen! I’m no stranger to running my own small business, but also carry experience from senior roles in a Promendo (as a senior process improvement consultant & instructor), Suncorp, IBM & Telstra. So I have learning from large corporate businesses and charities, but the practical, on-the-ground approach born of running my own small business and helping other small businesses realise their goals.

I work with you, helping you as a trusted partner. The relationship is important to me, and I stand with you, supporting you and your business. Wherever we start out in a practical sense, be it with something very tangible like Photography, Web Site or Radio Voice-overs or perhaps something more strategic like Branding & Visual Identity, that’s the point where I provide value first, and that’s where our relationship grows from. It’s organic and focused on trust, and we move into other areas together as you have need; and it’s really important to me you have visibility of results and are comfortable with what to try next as we seek to grow your business presence & market share.


  • Business Strategy – what you’re doing, why and where you think you’re going and how you’re going to get there
  • Business Process Improvement – figuring out what’s taking too much time, too many resources or too much money and fixing the business processes to improve it
  • CRM Strategy – what do you need and why?
  • Brand Strategy / Branding Elements
Business Facilities


  • Google Apps – setup and use
  • Quoting & Invoicing
  • Mobile payments
  • Collaboration and project management
  • Internet forms and workflows/processes to replace time consuming paper forms. I love this one, and spent some years working as a process improvement specialist, leveraging workflow automation technologies which are now available to small business!

Branding & Visual Identity

  • Brand Strategy / Branding Elements / Visual Identity – Corporate Colours
  • Logo / Logotype
  • Uniforms, Car/truck/trailer signage, Shop Signage

Marketing Strategy & Campaigns

Most small businesses I speak to do occasional marketing or promotions, but there are problems!

  1. they don’t follow a thought out plan
  2. they don’t reinforce the value of their brand because they look vastly different
  3. and the results are mostly unknown!


  • Head shots
  • Staff Portraits
  • Staff Stories (staff in action or posing)
  • Street View
  • Retail Premises
  • Corporate HQ imagery
  • Product Photography
  • Wide-Angle, panoramas, 360 degree panoramic, Spherical images


Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow has professional grade equipment to help produce professional grade results! We have recently upgraded again to a Canon XA-30 professional video camera, which has wonderful capabilities in low light, has two external microphone jacks for enhanced sound recording, has advanced facial recognition capability and an extremely smooth variable zoom mechanism. 

Steve’s years of being a photographer provide a seasoned ability to compose scenes and record them with dynamics in pan, zoom and focus. 

Please talk to Steve about your coming video project.  

"A small investment in a professional photographer and videographer can be a critical success factor in your media campaign!."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

Web Design

  • Planning and building websites that will really suit you and what you need them to do
  • Implementing various media, like diagrams, photography, video, voice and music into your site
  • Connecting your site through to social media, newsletters, external media and sites, and other beneficial assets that build your profile


Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow uses WordPress and Joomla

We have years of experience in Joomla! CMS, and over the past 3 years have built our WordPress capability too.

Joomla! remains our Content Management System (CMS) of choice for large, complex jobs that have complex role/access requirements, a highly customised content structure or capabilities only found in the huge stable of Joomla! extensions.

WordPress has come along amazingly the past 3 years or so. Quite frankly, before then I wouldn’t consider it. The WordPress team has however taken some of the best features of competing CMS products and implemented them into WordPress. For us, it is the most usable and powerful CMS available when we combine it with a small number of carefully selected enhancements. If you’re a small business owner, you’re going to love what we do with WordPress!

Yes, this site is WordPress!

"the voice"


It doesn’t matter whether it’s on social media, websites and blogs, on radio or TV or in cinema – VOICE IS EVERYWHERE.

  • Voice Overs – like the ad’s on radio
  • Video Interviews – which we see on Facebook and other social media
  • Social Media – which is increasingly “social multi-media”
  • Radio – which is still listened to by people at work and driving to and fro.
"If you have a brand, you need a voice!"
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

"The Pen"

Communication is the key if you want to reinforce your brand or promote your products and services. Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow has experience with: 

  • Website content and structure
  • Content Writing
  • Staff Stories
  • Newsletters
  • Print (posters, brochures etc.)
  • Billboards
  • Partner Advertising
  • Campaigns & Offers
"Written expression is the foundation for communication: whether for use in writing; as concept for visuals or to be used for the voice .
It all starts with words."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead


Most people don’t realise that print works differently to digital media:
  • Whilst digital colour is additive (adding light to darkness), print media is based on eliminating parts of the colour spectrum to create colour.
  • Digital media works on RGB (Red/Green/Blue)
  • Print works on CMYK (Cyan. Magenta, Yellow, Black)
  • Even the gamut (or range) of colours isn’t the same, as print is limited by the ultimate white of the paper and the inks.

At Steve Barnes Media, Web & Workflow, we have the experience to deal with print houses, providing PDF based artwork with “cut and bleed” guides as required by commercial printers.

cinema advertising

As a ‘channel’, whilst cinema advertising has a specific aspect ratio and format requirements for sound and video, it employs essentially the same ingredients as Facebook video ads or TV advertising! 

The questions are:

  • WHAT do you want to communicate?
  • WHO to?
  • HOW will you relate the value?
  • WHAT do you want the viewer to do next?

When a planning session has resolved these questions, a STORY BOARD can be constructed, and the various components of the project can be developed. 

In the end, some artistic editing and production brings the project to fruition in the form of a DVD or other digital asset as required by the advertising channel.

Hobart is a great place for cinema advertising because Hobart is large enough to support healthy businesses, but removed enough that it stands alone.

"Due to Hobart's location and demographics, Hobart's cinemas present another sound advertising opportunity for Tasmanian businesses."
Steve Barnes
Creative Lead

Make a real impact

It has never been easier to look professional with our help.

Steve Barnes – ABN 80 962 297 411

All content copyright Steve Barnes unless otherwise stated.

All rights reserved